At the middle of the twentieth century Marxists who were reeling from trying to understand why they had not ushered in the revolution yet started to make a disturbing recognition. The main figures that would usher in cultural Marxism began arguing that the average person is not a socialist. By nature. Too many people value their self autonomy.
This admission started the shift in leftist thinkers towards trying to find a way to remarket the Marxist future and the need to retrain people to that end. It was most prevalent within what has come to be called education theory. The focus was on finding ways to ensure that kids were reoriented towards these ends.
But a number of the most notable Marxist thinkers on this front also pointed out that unless you constantly reinforced Marxist education people might end up falling back into their more traditional liberal selves. This is the viewpoint that someone very well might be left wing when they're 20 and then end up being a conservative by the time they're 40. Real life ends up affecting them such that theoretical training ends up falling by the wayside.
One of the fallouts that came from this constant obsession with how to teach people how to be socialists was the need to figure out how to ensure that training stuck. Essays such as Herbert Marcuse's repressive tolerance were among the blueprints to make sure socialist training was constantly reinforced all the time. Every part of somebody's life was to be political and directed on constant reeducation.
In more recent times we've seen this with woke industries constantly trying to reinforce components of the new left thinking. Every component of life ends up being infected with material one would expect within a University sociology seminar. This is where things like athletics which are usually seen as an escape from everyday life end up being front and center to make sure that people don't lose their woke mentalities.
I didn't expect the Olympic Opening Ceremonies to be quite what it ended up being, but I suppose I probably did expect there to be some kind of focus on social justice. It's taken right out of the same playbook that they've been using since the 1960s. Everything has to be made into a political statement that ensures that everybody winds up at the right conclusion.
A normal person probably sees boycotts on Bud Light or the turn by other corporate bodies away from social justice motivations as a positive. It appears as though the tide is turning. But it would probably be misleading to assume the true believers within the woke intellectual class are going to let up anytime soon. They've been programmed to ensure that everything has to constantly reinforce a Marxist Revolution within the culture. And even those that accept that conclusion have to be constantly reminded.
Everybody has to bear in mind that this has been an incubation now for nearly 50 years. It is going to take some time to clean out the thinking that has everything to be about constantly retraining everyone’s political thinking.
If there's a positive out of this the opening ceremonies blowback did seem to suggest that most of society is starting to get tired of constantly being told what to think. With any luck that state keeps up.