It's funny how these so-called Marxists have no class analysis or economic vision. So are they really Marxists? I'm all for tarring those mofos with whatever brush will send them all straight to hell, and if Marxist is it, I'm all in.

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Marx himself may say no. It is weird. The neo-Marxists (cultural) that come out in the 1950s/60s are very Marxist with methodology/terminology. But, there governing theory has a lot of neo-Rousseau in it. Top-down, central administration is in a better position to understand what is best. More like a leftist aristocracy. That does override the class political argument. I tend to call them Marxists because most of the academics I know in this vein call themselves that.

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I think its a useful way to convince people how dangerous DEI is (run away!!!) but I'm reading a book atm that considers DEI to be a way for neoliberalism, controlled by the finance industry, to create a new class of managers to control the general managerial class, thus protecting their agenda of precarious work, debt and consumerism. Gilbert & Williams, Hegemony Now (2022).

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This is where some, Yasca Mounk as an example, question whether coming up with a new name other than Marxist is useful. Managerial control can be used by other groups as well. The part that is interesting intellectually is that even the neoliberal economic guys use Marxist techniques to implement and expand. It is a case of borrowing what you see as useful for the ends.

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